
Change docker ip range
Change docker ip range

Here’s the relevant output on my device (you’re likely looking for either the eth0 or wlan0 section): 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 To find your subnet, you can run ip addr to see your current local IP and replace the last segment with the digits of your choice. If you can’t find the DHCP range in your router, you should usually be fine to choose an IP within your subnet. Since my router uses the range, I’m going to choose an IP within the same subnet ( 192.168.2.x) but outside of that range so there’s no chance of any other device getting assigned the same address. If you’re not sure what to use as your static IPv4 address, it would be good to know the DHCP range your router uses to assign addresses which can usually be found in your router settings. What Should I use for a Static IPv4 Address? ¶

Change docker ip range update#

Since all of your devices will use Pi-hole as their DNS server, it’s important whatever device you run it on has a static IP address set so you never have to update it in the future. Check out the official getting started tutorial for the Raspberry Pi to get your device setup if you haven’t yet! Setting a Static IP Address ¶ Unless otherwise specified, all of the commands should be run in the terminal or over SSH.

change docker ip range

This tutorial assumes you already have a device setup with either direct terminal access or SSH access. I was previously running Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi Zero and with 700k domains blocked it would often take 5-10 minutes to unblock a domain. That being said, some low-end devices can get slow if you add a lot of blocklists.

change docker ip range

I’ll be running Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian), but it also works well on other models and most other devices running Linux or that have Docker available. It’s okay if you don’t have an IPv6 enabled network (or don’t want to set it up), these instructions will also work great for a plain IPv4 setup – just skip the IPv6 steps! Same goes for Docker, I’ve included instructions for setting it up with or without.

Change docker ip range